Subject: Overpass API developpement
List archive
- From: Roland Olbricht <>
- To: , Igor Brejc <>
- Subject: Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault
- Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 16:38:23 +0200
please try it with the attached file to replace
Now I have at least a possible chain of events that could explain the behaviour. The imoportant part is the output from the software. We should see an error message now.
Recompile with
make install
Then re-run gdb with the commands:
run </tmp/crash_input.osc
I'm mostly interested in the number of breakpoints. Hence, you can continue after each breakpoint:
Please send again the full debugging session including the output from the program - it is by default interspersed with the gdb output.
Best regards,
/** Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Roland Olbricht et al. * * This file is part of Overpass_API. * * Overpass_API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Overpass_API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Overpass_API. If not, see <>. */ #include "node_updater.h" #include "osm_updater.h" #include "relation_updater.h" #include "tags_updater.h" #include "way_updater.h" #include "../../expat/expat_justparse_interface.h" #include "../../template_db/dispatcher_client.h" #include "../../template_db/random_file.h" #include "../../template_db/transaction.h" #include "../core/settings.h" #include "../data/abstract_processing.h" #include "../data/collect_members.h" #include "../dispatch/resource_manager.h" #include "../frontend/output.h" #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <cstdio> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <sstream> /** * Tests the library node_updater, way_updater and relation_updater * with a sample OSM file */ namespace { Node_Updater* node_updater(0); Node current_node; Way_Updater* way_updater(0); Way current_way; Relation_Updater* relation_updater(0); Transaction* transaction_(0); Relation current_relation; int state; const int IN_NODES = 1; const int IN_WAYS = 2; const int IN_RELATIONS = 3; int modify_mode = 0; const int DELETE = 1; uint flush_limit = 4*1024*1024; OSM_Element_Metadata* meta; uint32 osm_element_count; Osm_Backend_Callback* callback(0); Cpu_Stopwatch* cpu_stopwatch(0); std::string data_version; inline void tag_start(const char **attr) { std::string key(""), value(""); for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "k")) key = attr[i+1]; if (!strcmp(attr[i], "v")) value = attr[i+1]; } if ( > 0) current_node.tags.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); else if ( > 0) current_way.tags.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); else if ( > 0) current_relation.tags.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); } inline void nd_start(const char **attr) { if ( > 0) { Uint64 ref; for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "ref")) ref = atoll(attr[i+1]); } current_way.nds.push_back(ref); } } inline void member_start(const char **attr) { if ( > 0) { Uint64 ref; std::string type, role; for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "ref")) ref = atoll(attr[i+1]); if (!strcmp(attr[i], "type")) type = attr[i+1]; if (!strcmp(attr[i], "role")) role = attr[i+1]; } Relation_Entry entry; entry.ref = ref; if (type == "node") entry.type = Relation_Entry::NODE; else if (type == "way") entry.type = Relation_Entry::WAY; else if (type == "relation") entry.type = Relation_Entry::RELATION; entry.role = relation_updater->get_role_id(role); current_relation.members.push_back(entry); } } inline void node_start(const char **attr) { if (state == 0) state = IN_NODES; if (meta) *meta = OSM_Element_Metadata(); Node::Id_Type id; double lat(100.0), lon(200.0); for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "id")) id = atoll(attr[i+1]); if (!strcmp(attr[i], "lat")) lat = atof(attr[i+1]); if (!strcmp(attr[i], "lon")) lon = atof(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "version"))) meta->version = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "timestamp"))) { meta->timestamp = Timestamp( atol(attr[i+1]), //year atoi(attr[i+1]+5), //month atoi(attr[i+1]+8), //day atoi(attr[i+1]+11), //hour atoi(attr[i+1]+14), //minute atoi(attr[i+1]+17) //second ).timestamp; } if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "changeset"))) meta->changeset = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "user"))) meta->user_name = attr[i+1]; if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "uid"))) meta->user_id = atoi(attr[i+1]); } if (lat >= -90. && lat <= 90. && lon >= -180. && lon <= 180.) current_node = Node(id, lat, lon); else current_node = Node(id, 100., 200.); } inline void node_end() { if (modify_mode == DELETE) node_updater->set_id_deleted(, meta); else node_updater->set_node(current_node, meta); if (osm_element_count >= flush_limit) { callback->node_elapsed(; node_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, true); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; } = Node::Id_Type(); } inline void way_start(const char **attr) { if (state == IN_NODES) { callback->nodes_finished(); node_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false); { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } //way_updater->update_moved_idxs(callback, node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), update_way_logger); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; state = IN_WAYS; } else if (state == 0) state = IN_WAYS; if (meta) *meta = OSM_Element_Metadata(); Way::Id_Type id; for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "id")) id = atoll(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "version"))) meta->version = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "timestamp"))) { meta->timestamp = 0; meta->timestamp |= (atoll(attr[i+1])<<26); //year meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+5)<<22); //month meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+8)<<17); //day meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+11)<<12); //hour meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+14)<<6); //minute meta->timestamp |= atoi(attr[i+1]+17); //second } if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "changeset"))) meta->changeset = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "user"))) meta->user_name = attr[i+1]; if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "uid"))) meta->user_id = atoi(attr[i+1]); } current_way = Way(id.val()); } inline void way_end() { if (modify_mode == DELETE) way_updater->set_id_deleted(, meta); else way_updater->set_way(current_way, meta); if (osm_element_count >= flush_limit) { callback->way_elapsed(; way_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, true, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; } = 0u; } inline void relation_end() { if (modify_mode == DELETE) relation_updater->set_id_deleted(, meta); else relation_updater->set_relation(current_relation, meta); if (osm_element_count >= flush_limit) { callback->relation_elapsed(; relation_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons(), way_updater->get_new_skeletons(), way_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), way_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; } = 0u; } inline void relation_start(const char **attr) { if (state == IN_NODES) { callback->nodes_finished(); node_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false); // relation_updater->update_moved_idxs // (node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), way_updater->get_moved_ways(), update_relation_logger); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; state = IN_RELATIONS; } else if (state == IN_WAYS) { callback->ways_finished(); way_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); // relation_updater->update_moved_idxs // (node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), way_updater->get_moved_ways(), update_relation_logger); { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; state = IN_RELATIONS; } else if (state == 0) state = IN_RELATIONS; if (meta) *meta = OSM_Element_Metadata(); Relation::Id_Type id; for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "id")) id = atoll(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "version"))) meta->version = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "timestamp"))) { meta->timestamp = 0; meta->timestamp |= (atoll(attr[i+1])<<26); //year meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+5)<<22); //month meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+8)<<17); //day meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+11)<<12); //hour meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+14)<<6); //minute meta->timestamp |= atoi(attr[i+1]+17); //second } if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "changeset"))) meta->changeset = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "user"))) meta->user_name = attr[i+1]; if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "uid"))) meta->user_id = atoi(attr[i+1]); } current_relation = Relation(id.val()); } } void node_start(const char *el, const char **attr) { if (!strcmp(el, "tag")) tag_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "node")) node_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = DELETE; } void node_end(const char *el) { if (!strcmp(el, "node")) node_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = 0; ++osm_element_count; } void way_start(const char *el, const char **attr) { if (!strcmp(el, "tag")) tag_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "nd")) nd_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "way")) way_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = DELETE; } void way_end(const char *el) { if (!strcmp(el, "way")) way_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = 0; ++osm_element_count; } void relation_start(const char *el, const char **attr) { if (!strcmp(el, "tag")) tag_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "member")) member_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "relation")) relation_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = DELETE; } void relation_end(const char *el) { if (!strcmp(el, "relation")) relation_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = 0; ++osm_element_count; } void start(const char *el, const char **attr) { if (!strcmp(el, "tag")) tag_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "nd")) nd_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "member")) member_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "node")) node_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "way")) way_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "relation")) relation_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = DELETE; } void end(const char *el) { if (!strcmp(el, "node")) node_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "way")) way_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "relation")) relation_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = 0; ++osm_element_count; } // Bitfield for change evaluation const int TAGS = 1; const int GEOMETRY = 2; const int MEMBERS = 4; const int WAY_MEMBERSHIP = 8; const int RELATION_MEMBERSHIP = 16; const int INDIRECT_MEMBERSHIP = 32; const int MEMBER_PROPERTIES = 64; void Osm_Updater::finish_updater() { { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } if (state == IN_NODES) callback->nodes_finished(); else if (state == IN_WAYS) callback->ways_finished(); else if (state == IN_RELATIONS) callback->relations_finished(); if (state == IN_NODES) { node_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false); //way_updater->update_moved_idxs(callback, node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), update_way_logger); state = IN_WAYS; } if (state == IN_WAYS) { way_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); // relation_updater->update_moved_idxs // (node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), way_updater->get_moved_ways(), update_relation_logger); state = IN_RELATIONS; } if (state == IN_RELATIONS) relation_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons(), way_updater->get_new_skeletons(), way_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), way_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } flush(); callback->parser_succeeded(); } void Osm_Updater::parse_file_completely(FILE* in) { callback->parser_started(); parse(stdin, start, end); finish_updater(); } void parse_nodes_only(FILE* in) { parse(in, node_start, node_end); } void parse_ways_only(FILE* in) { parse(in, way_start, way_end); } void parse_relations_only(FILE* in) { parse(in, relation_start, relation_end); } Osm_Updater::Osm_Updater(Osm_Backend_Callback* callback_, const std::string& data_version_, meta_modes meta_, unsigned int flush_limit_) : dispatcher_client(0), meta(meta_) { dispatcher_client = new Dispatcher_Client(osm_base_settings().shared_name); Logger logger(dispatcher_client->get_db_dir()); logger.annotated_log("write_start() start version='" + data_version_ + '\''); dispatcher_client->write_start(); logger.annotated_log("write_start() end"); transaction = new Nonsynced_Transaction (true, true, dispatcher_client->get_db_dir(), ""); { std::ofstream version((dispatcher_client->get_db_dir() + "osm_base_version.shadow").c_str()); version<<data_version_<<'\n'; } transaction_ = transaction; node_updater_ = new Node_Updater(*transaction, meta); way_updater_ = new Way_Updater(*transaction, meta); relation_updater_ = new Relation_Updater(*transaction, meta); flush_limit = flush_limit_; data_version = data_version_; state = 0; osm_element_count = 0; node_updater = node_updater_; way_updater = way_updater_; relation_updater = relation_updater_; callback = callback_; cpu_stopwatch = new Cpu_Stopwatch(); cpu_stopwatch->start_cpu_timer(0); if (meta) ::meta = new OSM_Element_Metadata(); { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } } Osm_Updater::Osm_Updater (Osm_Backend_Callback* callback_, std::string db_dir, const std::string& data_version_, meta_modes meta_, unsigned int flush_limit_) : transaction(0), dispatcher_client(0), db_dir_(db_dir), meta(meta_) { if (file_present(db_dir + osm_base_settings().shared_name)) throw Context_Error("File " + db_dir + osm_base_settings().shared_name + " present, " "which indicates a running dispatcher. Delete file if no dispatcher is running."); { std::ofstream version((db_dir + "osm_base_version").c_str()); version<<data_version_<<'\n'; } node_updater_ = new Node_Updater(db_dir, meta); way_updater_ = new Way_Updater(db_dir, meta); relation_updater_ = new Relation_Updater(db_dir, meta); flush_limit = flush_limit_; data_version = data_version_; state = 0; osm_element_count = 0; node_updater = node_updater_; way_updater = way_updater_; relation_updater = relation_updater_; callback = callback_; if (meta) ::meta = new OSM_Element_Metadata(); } void Osm_Updater::flush() { delete node_updater_; node_updater_ = new Node_Updater(db_dir_, meta ? keep_meta : only_data); delete way_updater_; way_updater_ = new Way_Updater(db_dir_, meta); delete relation_updater_; relation_updater_ = new Relation_Updater(db_dir_, meta); if (cpu_stopwatch) cpu_stopwatch->stop_cpu_timer(0); std::vector< uint64 > cpu_runtime = cpu_stopwatch ? cpu_stopwatch->cpu_time() : std::vector< uint64 >(); if (dispatcher_client) { try { delete transaction; transaction = 0; } catch (File_Error e) { report_file_error(e); transaction = 0; throw; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr<<e.what()<<'\n'; transaction = 0; throw; } catch (...) { transaction = 0; throw; } Logger logger(dispatcher_client->get_db_dir()); std::ostringstream out; out<<"write_commit() start "<<global_read_counter(); for (std::vector< uint64 >::const_iterator it = cpu_runtime.begin(); it != cpu_runtime.end(); ++it) out<<' '<<*it; logger.annotated_log(out.str()); dispatcher_client->write_commit(); rename((dispatcher_client->get_db_dir() + "osm_base_version.shadow").c_str(), (dispatcher_client->get_db_dir() + "osm_base_version").c_str()); logger.annotated_log("write_commit() end"); delete dispatcher_client; dispatcher_client = 0; } } Osm_Updater::~Osm_Updater() { delete node_updater_; delete way_updater_; delete relation_updater_; if (::meta) delete ::meta; if (dispatcher_client) { if (transaction) delete transaction; Logger logger(dispatcher_client->get_db_dir()); logger.annotated_log("write_rollback() start"); dispatcher_client->write_rollback(); logger.annotated_log("write_rollback() end"); delete dispatcher_client; } }
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, (continued)
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, mmd, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, mmd, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Roland Olbricht, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/31/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Roland Olbricht, 07/31/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Roland Olbricht, 07/31/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/31/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Roland Olbricht, 07/31/2017
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