Subject: Overpass API developpement
List archive
- From: Roland Olbricht <>
- To: , Igor Brejc <>
- Subject: Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault
- Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 10:41:00 +0200
I've forgotten the files.
Best regards,
/** Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Roland Olbricht et al. * * This file is part of Overpass_API. * * Overpass_API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Overpass_API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Overpass_API. If not, see <>. */ #include "node_updater.h" #include "osm_updater.h" #include "relation_updater.h" #include "tags_updater.h" #include "way_updater.h" #include "../../expat/expat_justparse_interface.h" #include "../../template_db/dispatcher_client.h" #include "../../template_db/random_file.h" #include "../../template_db/transaction.h" #include "../core/settings.h" #include "../data/abstract_processing.h" #include "../data/collect_members.h" #include "../dispatch/resource_manager.h" #include "../frontend/output.h" #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <cstdio> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <sstream> /** * Tests the library node_updater, way_updater and relation_updater * with a sample OSM file */ namespace { Node_Updater* node_updater(0); Node current_node; Way_Updater* way_updater(0); Way current_way; Relation_Updater* relation_updater(0); Transaction* transaction_(0); Relation current_relation; int state; const int IN_NODES = 1; const int IN_WAYS = 2; const int IN_RELATIONS = 3; int modify_mode = 0; const int DELETE = 1; uint flush_limit = 4*1024*1024; OSM_Element_Metadata* meta; uint32 osm_element_count; Osm_Backend_Callback* callback(0); Cpu_Stopwatch* cpu_stopwatch(0); std::string data_version; inline void tag_start(const char **attr) { std::string key(""), value(""); for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "k")) key = attr[i+1]; if (!strcmp(attr[i], "v")) value = attr[i+1]; } if ( > 0) current_node.tags.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); else if ( > 0) current_way.tags.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); else if ( > 0) current_relation.tags.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); } inline void nd_start(const char **attr) { if ( > 0) { Uint64 ref; for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "ref")) ref = atoll(attr[i+1]); } current_way.nds.push_back(ref); } } inline void member_start(const char **attr) { if ( > 0) { Uint64 ref; std::string type, role; for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "ref")) ref = atoll(attr[i+1]); if (!strcmp(attr[i], "type")) type = attr[i+1]; if (!strcmp(attr[i], "role")) role = attr[i+1]; } Relation_Entry entry; entry.ref = ref; if (type == "node") entry.type = Relation_Entry::NODE; else if (type == "way") entry.type = Relation_Entry::WAY; else if (type == "relation") entry.type = Relation_Entry::RELATION; entry.role = relation_updater->get_role_id(role); current_relation.members.push_back(entry); } } inline void node_start(const char **attr) { if (state == 0) state = IN_NODES; if (meta) *meta = OSM_Element_Metadata(); Node::Id_Type id; double lat(100.0), lon(200.0); for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "id")) id = atoll(attr[i+1]); if (!strcmp(attr[i], "lat")) lat = atof(attr[i+1]); if (!strcmp(attr[i], "lon")) lon = atof(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "version"))) meta->version = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "timestamp"))) { meta->timestamp = Timestamp( atol(attr[i+1]), //year atoi(attr[i+1]+5), //month atoi(attr[i+1]+8), //day atoi(attr[i+1]+11), //hour atoi(attr[i+1]+14), //minute atoi(attr[i+1]+17) //second ).timestamp; } if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "changeset"))) meta->changeset = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "user"))) meta->user_name = attr[i+1]; if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "uid"))) meta->user_id = atoi(attr[i+1]); } if (lat >= -90. && lat <= 90. && lon >= -180. && lon <= 180.) current_node = Node(id, lat, lon); else current_node = Node(id, 100., 200.); } inline void node_end() { if (modify_mode == DELETE) node_updater->set_id_deleted(, meta); else node_updater->set_node(current_node, meta); if (osm_element_count >= flush_limit) { callback->node_elapsed(; node_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, true); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; } = Node::Id_Type(); } inline void way_start(const char **attr) { if (state == IN_NODES) { callback->nodes_finished(); node_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false); { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } //way_updater->update_moved_idxs(callback, node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), update_way_logger); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; state = IN_WAYS; } else if (state == 0) state = IN_WAYS; if (meta) *meta = OSM_Element_Metadata(); Way::Id_Type id; for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "id")) id = atoll(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "version"))) meta->version = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "timestamp"))) { meta->timestamp = 0; meta->timestamp |= (atoll(attr[i+1])<<26); //year meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+5)<<22); //month meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+8)<<17); //day meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+11)<<12); //hour meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+14)<<6); //minute meta->timestamp |= atoi(attr[i+1]+17); //second } if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "changeset"))) meta->changeset = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "user"))) meta->user_name = attr[i+1]; if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "uid"))) meta->user_id = atoi(attr[i+1]); } current_way = Way(id.val()); } inline void way_end() { if (modify_mode == DELETE) way_updater->set_id_deleted(, meta); else way_updater->set_way(current_way, meta); if (osm_element_count >= flush_limit) { callback->way_elapsed(; way_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, true, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; } = 0u; } inline void relation_end() { if (modify_mode == DELETE) relation_updater->set_id_deleted(, meta); else relation_updater->set_relation(current_relation, meta); if (osm_element_count >= flush_limit) { callback->relation_elapsed(; relation_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons(), way_updater->get_new_skeletons(), way_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), way_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; } = 0u; } inline void relation_start(const char **attr) { if (state == IN_NODES) { callback->nodes_finished(); node_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false); // relation_updater->update_moved_idxs // (node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), way_updater->get_moved_ways(), update_relation_logger); callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; state = IN_RELATIONS; } else if (state == IN_WAYS) { callback->ways_finished(); way_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); // relation_updater->update_moved_idxs // (node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), way_updater->get_moved_ways(), update_relation_logger); { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } callback->parser_started(); osm_element_count = 0; state = IN_RELATIONS; } else if (state == 0) state = IN_RELATIONS; if (meta) *meta = OSM_Element_Metadata(); Relation::Id_Type id; for (unsigned int i(0); attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i], "id")) id = atoll(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "version"))) meta->version = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "timestamp"))) { meta->timestamp = 0; meta->timestamp |= (atoll(attr[i+1])<<26); //year meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+5)<<22); //month meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+8)<<17); //day meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+11)<<12); //hour meta->timestamp |= (atoi(attr[i+1]+14)<<6); //minute meta->timestamp |= atoi(attr[i+1]+17); //second } if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "changeset"))) meta->changeset = atoi(attr[i+1]); if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "user"))) meta->user_name = attr[i+1]; if (meta && (!strcmp(attr[i], "uid"))) meta->user_id = atoi(attr[i+1]); } current_relation = Relation(id.val()); } } void node_start(const char *el, const char **attr) { if (!strcmp(el, "tag")) tag_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "node")) node_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = DELETE; } void node_end(const char *el) { if (!strcmp(el, "node")) node_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = 0; ++osm_element_count; } void way_start(const char *el, const char **attr) { if (!strcmp(el, "tag")) tag_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "nd")) nd_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "way")) way_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = DELETE; } void way_end(const char *el) { if (!strcmp(el, "way")) way_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = 0; ++osm_element_count; } void relation_start(const char *el, const char **attr) { if (!strcmp(el, "tag")) tag_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "member")) member_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "relation")) relation_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = DELETE; } void relation_end(const char *el) { if (!strcmp(el, "relation")) relation_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = 0; ++osm_element_count; } void start(const char *el, const char **attr) { if (!strcmp(el, "tag")) tag_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "nd")) nd_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "member")) member_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "node")) node_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "way")) way_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "relation")) relation_start(attr); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = DELETE; } void end(const char *el) { if (!strcmp(el, "node")) node_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "way")) way_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "relation")) relation_end(); else if (!strcmp(el, "delete")) modify_mode = 0; ++osm_element_count; } // Bitfield for change evaluation const int TAGS = 1; const int GEOMETRY = 2; const int MEMBERS = 4; const int WAY_MEMBERSHIP = 8; const int RELATION_MEMBERSHIP = 16; const int INDIRECT_MEMBERSHIP = 32; const int MEMBER_PROPERTIES = 64; void Osm_Updater::finish_updater() { { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } if (state == IN_NODES) callback->nodes_finished(); else if (state == IN_WAYS) callback->ways_finished(); else if (state == IN_RELATIONS) callback->relations_finished(); if (state == IN_NODES) { node_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false); //way_updater->update_moved_idxs(callback, node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), update_way_logger); state = IN_WAYS; } if (state == IN_WAYS) { way_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, false, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); // relation_updater->update_moved_idxs // (node_updater->get_moved_nodes(), way_updater->get_moved_ways(), update_relation_logger); state = IN_RELATIONS; } if (state == IN_RELATIONS) relation_updater->update(callback, cpu_stopwatch, node_updater->get_new_skeletons(), node_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), node_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons(), way_updater->get_new_skeletons(), way_updater->get_attic_skeletons(), way_updater->get_new_attic_skeletons()); { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } flush(); callback->parser_succeeded(); } void Osm_Updater::parse_file_completely(FILE* in) { callback->parser_started(); parse(stdin, start, end); finish_updater(); } void parse_nodes_only(FILE* in) { parse(in, node_start, node_end); } void parse_ways_only(FILE* in) { parse(in, way_start, way_end); } void parse_relations_only(FILE* in) { parse(in, relation_start, relation_end); } Osm_Updater::Osm_Updater(Osm_Backend_Callback* callback_, const std::string& data_version_, meta_modes meta_, unsigned int flush_limit_) : dispatcher_client(0), meta(meta_) { dispatcher_client = new Dispatcher_Client(osm_base_settings().shared_name); Logger logger(dispatcher_client->get_db_dir()); logger.annotated_log("write_start() start version='" + data_version_ + '\''); dispatcher_client->write_start(); logger.annotated_log("write_start() end"); transaction = new Nonsynced_Transaction (true, true, dispatcher_client->get_db_dir(), ""); { std::ofstream version((dispatcher_client->get_db_dir() + "osm_base_version.shadow").c_str()); version<<data_version_<<'\n'; } transaction_ = transaction; node_updater_ = new Node_Updater(*transaction, meta); way_updater_ = new Way_Updater(*transaction, meta); relation_updater_ = new Relation_Updater(*transaction, meta); flush_limit = flush_limit_; data_version = data_version_; state = 0; osm_element_count = 0; node_updater = node_updater_; way_updater = way_updater_; relation_updater = relation_updater_; callback = callback_; cpu_stopwatch = new Cpu_Stopwatch(); cpu_stopwatch->start_cpu_timer(0); if (meta) ::meta = new OSM_Element_Metadata(); { File_Blocks_Index_Base* index = transaction_->data_index(osm_base_settings().NODES); ((File_Blocks_Index< Uint32_Index >*)index)->DEBUG_check_total_index_size(); } } Osm_Updater::Osm_Updater (Osm_Backend_Callback* callback_, std::string db_dir, const std::string& data_version_, meta_modes meta_, unsigned int flush_limit_) : transaction(0), dispatcher_client(0), db_dir_(db_dir), meta(meta_) { if (file_present(db_dir + osm_base_settings().shared_name)) throw Context_Error("File " + db_dir + osm_base_settings().shared_name + " present, " "which indicates a running dispatcher. Delete file if no dispatcher is running."); { std::ofstream version((db_dir + "osm_base_version").c_str()); version<<data_version_<<'\n'; } node_updater_ = new Node_Updater(db_dir, meta); way_updater_ = new Way_Updater(db_dir, meta); relation_updater_ = new Relation_Updater(db_dir, meta); flush_limit = flush_limit_; data_version = data_version_; state = 0; osm_element_count = 0; node_updater = node_updater_; way_updater = way_updater_; relation_updater = relation_updater_; callback = callback_; if (meta) ::meta = new OSM_Element_Metadata(); } void Osm_Updater::flush() { delete node_updater_; node_updater_ = new Node_Updater(db_dir_, meta ? keep_meta : only_data); delete way_updater_; way_updater_ = new Way_Updater(db_dir_, meta); delete relation_updater_; relation_updater_ = new Relation_Updater(db_dir_, meta); if (cpu_stopwatch) cpu_stopwatch->stop_cpu_timer(0); std::vector< uint64 > cpu_runtime = cpu_stopwatch ? cpu_stopwatch->cpu_time() : std::vector< uint64 >(); if (dispatcher_client) { delete transaction; transaction = 0; Logger logger(dispatcher_client->get_db_dir()); std::ostringstream out; out<<"write_commit() start "<<global_read_counter(); for (std::vector< uint64 >::const_iterator it = cpu_runtime.begin(); it != cpu_runtime.end(); ++it) out<<' '<<*it; logger.annotated_log(out.str()); dispatcher_client->write_commit(); rename((dispatcher_client->get_db_dir() + "osm_base_version.shadow").c_str(), (dispatcher_client->get_db_dir() + "osm_base_version").c_str()); logger.annotated_log("write_commit() end"); delete dispatcher_client; dispatcher_client = 0; } } Osm_Updater::~Osm_Updater() { delete node_updater_; delete way_updater_; delete relation_updater_; if (::meta) delete ::meta; if (dispatcher_client) { if (transaction) delete transaction; Logger logger(dispatcher_client->get_db_dir()); logger.annotated_log("write_rollback() start"); dispatcher_client->write_rollback(); logger.annotated_log("write_rollback() end"); delete dispatcher_client; } }
/** Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Roland Olbricht et al. * * This file is part of Template_DB. * * Template_DB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Template_DB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Overpass_API. If not, see <>. */ #ifndef DE__OSM3S___TEMPLATE_DB__FILE_BLOCKS_INDEX_H #define DE__OSM3S___TEMPLATE_DB__FILE_BLOCKS_INDEX_H #include "types.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cerrno> #include <cstdlib> #include <list> #include <string> #include <vector> /** Declarations: -----------------------------------------------------------*/ template< class TIndex > struct File_Block_Index_Entry { static const int EMPTY = 1; static const int GROUP = 2; static const int SEGMENT = 3; static const int LAST_SEGMENT = 4; File_Block_Index_Entry(const TIndex& index_, uint32 pos_, uint32 size_, uint32 max_keysize_) : index(index_), pos(pos_), size(size_), max_keysize(max_keysize_) {} TIndex index; uint32 pos; uint32 size; uint32 max_keysize; }; #include <iostream> template< class TIndex > struct File_Blocks_Index : public File_Blocks_Index_Base { public: File_Blocks_Index(const File_Properties& file_prop, bool writeable, bool use_shadow, const std::string& db_dir, const std::string& file_name_extension); virtual ~File_Blocks_Index(); bool writeable() const { return (empty_index_file_name != ""); } const std::string& file_name_extension() const { return file_name_extension_; } std::string get_data_file_name() const { return data_file_name; } uint64 get_block_size() const { return block_size_; } uint32 get_compression_factor() const { return compression_factor; } uint32 get_compression_method() const { return compression_method; } std::list< File_Block_Index_Entry< TIndex > >& get_blocks() { if (index_buf.ptr) init_blocks(); return blocks; } std::vector< std::pair< uint32, uint32 > >& get_void_blocks() { if (!void_blocks_initialized) init_void_blocks(); return void_blocks; } uint DEBUG_check_total_index_size() { uint index_size = 0; for (typename std::list< File_Block_Index_Entry< TIndex > >::const_iterator it(blocks.begin()); it != blocks.end(); ++it) index_size += 12 + it->index.size_of(); std::cerr<<"DEBUG "<<index_size<<'\n'; return index_size; } static const int FILE_FORMAT_VERSION = 7512; static const int NO_COMPRESSION = 0; static const int ZLIB_COMPRESSION = 1; static const int LZ4_COMPRESSION = 2; private: std::string index_file_name; std::string empty_index_file_name; std::string data_file_name; std::string file_name_extension_; Void_Pointer< uint8 > index_buf; uint64 file_size; uint32 index_size; std::list< File_Block_Index_Entry< TIndex > > blocks; std::vector< std::pair< uint32, uint32 > > void_blocks; bool void_blocks_initialized; uint64 block_size_; uint32 compression_factor; int compression_method; void init_structure_params(); void init_blocks(); void init_void_blocks(); public: uint32 block_count; }; template< class TIndex > std::vector< bool > get_data_index_footprint(const File_Properties& file_prop, std::string db_dir); /** Implementation File_Blocks_Index: ---------------------------------------*/ template< class TIndex > File_Blocks_Index< TIndex >::File_Blocks_Index (const File_Properties& file_prop, bool writeable, bool use_shadow, const std::string& db_dir, const std::string& file_name_extension) : index_file_name(db_dir + file_prop.get_file_name_trunk() + file_name_extension + file_prop.get_data_suffix() + file_prop.get_index_suffix() + (use_shadow ? file_prop.get_shadow_suffix() : "")), empty_index_file_name(writeable ? db_dir + file_prop.get_file_name_trunk() + file_name_extension + file_prop.get_data_suffix() + file_prop.get_shadow_suffix() : ""), data_file_name(db_dir + file_prop.get_file_name_trunk() + file_name_extension + file_prop.get_data_suffix()), file_name_extension_(file_name_extension), index_buf(0), file_size(0), index_size(0), void_blocks_initialized(false), block_size_(file_prop.get_block_size()), // can be overwritten by index file compression_factor(file_prop.get_compression_factor()), // can be overwritten by index file compression_method(file_prop.get_compression_method()), // can be overwritten by index file block_count(0) { try { Raw_File val_file(data_file_name, O_RDONLY, S_666, "File_Blocks_Index::File_Blocks_Index::1"); file_size = val_file.size("File_Blocks_Index::File_Blocks_Index::2"); } catch (File_Error e) { if (e.error_number != 2) throw e; } try { Raw_File source_file(index_file_name, O_RDONLY, S_666, "File_Blocks_Index::File_Blocks_Index::3"); // read index file index_size = source_file.size("File_Blocks_Index::File_Blocks_Index::4"); index_buf.resize(index_size);, index_size, "File_Blocks_Index::File_Blocks_Index::5"); } catch (File_Error e) { if (e.error_number != 2) throw e; index_buf.resize(0); } init_structure_params(); if (empty_index_file_name != "") init_void_blocks(); } template< class TIndex > void File_Blocks_Index< TIndex >::init_structure_params() { if (index_buf.ptr) { if (file_name_extension_ != ".legacy") { if (*(int32*)index_buf.ptr != FILE_FORMAT_VERSION) throw File_Error(0, index_file_name, "File_Blocks_Index: Unsupported index file format version"); block_size_ = 1ull<<*(uint8*)(index_buf.ptr + 4); compression_factor = 1u<<*(uint8*)(index_buf.ptr + 5); compression_method = *(uint16*)(index_buf.ptr + 6); } block_count = file_size / block_size_; } } template< class TIndex > void File_Blocks_Index< TIndex >::init_blocks() { if (index_buf.ptr) { if (file_name_extension_ == ".legacy") // We support this way the old format although it has no version marker. { uint32 pos = 0; while (pos < index_size) { TIndex index(index_buf.ptr+pos); File_Block_Index_Entry< TIndex > entry(index, *(uint32*)(index_buf.ptr + (pos + TIndex::size_of(index_buf.ptr+pos))), 1, //block size is always 1 in the legacy format *(uint32*)(index_buf.ptr + (pos + TIndex::size_of(index_buf.ptr+pos) + 4))); blocks.push_back(entry); if (entry.pos >= block_count) throw File_Error(0, index_file_name, "File_Blocks_Index: bad pos in index file"); pos += TIndex::size_of(index_buf.ptr+pos) + 8; } } else if (index_size > 0) { uint32 pos = 8; while (pos < index_size) { TIndex index(index_buf.ptr + pos + 12); File_Block_Index_Entry< TIndex > entry(index, *(uint32*)(index_buf.ptr + pos), *(uint32*)(index_buf.ptr + pos + 4), *(uint32*)(index_buf.ptr + pos + 8)); blocks.push_back(entry); if (entry.pos >= block_count) throw File_Error(0, index_file_name, "File_Blocks_Index: bad pos in index file"); pos += 12; pos += TIndex::size_of(index_buf.ptr + pos); } } index_buf.resize(0); } } template< class TIndex > void File_Blocks_Index< TIndex >::init_void_blocks() { if (index_buf.ptr) init_blocks(); std::vector< bool > is_referred(block_count, false); for (typename std::list< File_Block_Index_Entry< TIndex > >::const_iterator it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < it->size; ++i) is_referred[it->pos + i] = true; } bool empty_index_file_used = false; if (empty_index_file_name != "") { try { Raw_File void_blocks_file(empty_index_file_name, O_RDONLY, S_666, ""); uint32 void_index_size = void_blocks_file.size("File_Blocks_Index::File_Blocks_Index::6"); Void_Pointer< uint8 > index_buf(void_index_size);, void_index_size, "File_Blocks_Index::File_Blocks_Index::7"); for (uint32 i = 0; i < void_index_size/8; ++i) void_blocks.push_back(*(std::pair< uint32, uint32 >*)(index_buf.ptr + 8*i)); empty_index_file_used = true; } catch (File_Error e) {} } if (!empty_index_file_used) { // determine void_blocks uint32 last_start = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) { if (is_referred[i]) { if (last_start < i) void_blocks.push_back(std::make_pair(i - last_start, last_start)); last_start = i+1; } } if (last_start < block_count) void_blocks.push_back(std::make_pair(block_count - last_start, last_start)); } std::stable_sort(void_blocks.begin(), void_blocks.end()); void_blocks_initialized = true; } template< class TIndex > File_Blocks_Index< TIndex >::~File_Blocks_Index() { if (empty_index_file_name == "") return; // Keep space for file version and size information uint32 index_size = 8; uint32 pos = 8; for (typename std::list< File_Block_Index_Entry< TIndex > >::const_iterator it(blocks.begin()); it != blocks.end(); ++it) index_size += 12 + it->index.size_of(); Void_Pointer< uint8 > index_buf(index_size); *(uint32*)index_buf.ptr = FILE_FORMAT_VERSION; *(uint8*)(index_buf.ptr + 4) = shift_log(block_size_); *(uint8*)(index_buf.ptr + 5) = shift_log(compression_factor); *(uint16*)(index_buf.ptr + 6) = compression_method; for (typename std::list< File_Block_Index_Entry< TIndex > >::const_iterator it(blocks.begin()); it != blocks.end(); ++it) { *(uint32*)(index_buf.ptr+pos) = it->pos; pos += 4; *(uint32*)(index_buf.ptr+pos) = it->size; pos += 4; *(uint32*)(index_buf.ptr+pos) = it->max_keysize; pos += 4; it->index.to_data(index_buf.ptr+pos); pos += it->index.size_of(); } Raw_File dest_file(index_file_name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_666, "File_Blocks_Index::~File_Blocks_Index::1"); if (index_size < dest_file.size("File_Blocks_Index::~File_Blocks_Index::2")) dest_file.resize(index_size, "File_Blocks_Index::~File_Blocks_Index::3"); dest_file.write(index_buf.ptr, index_size, "File_Blocks_Index::~File_Blocks_Index::4"); // Write void blocks Void_Pointer< uint8 > void_index_buf(void_blocks.size() * 8); std::pair< uint32, uint32 >* it_ptr = (std::pair< uint32, uint32 >*)(void_index_buf.ptr); for (std::vector< std::pair< uint32, uint32 > >::const_iterator it(void_blocks.begin()); it != void_blocks.end(); ++it) *(it_ptr++) = *it; try { Raw_File void_file(empty_index_file_name, O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, S_666, "File_Blocks_Index::~File_Blocks_Index::5"); void_file.write(void_index_buf.ptr, void_blocks.size()*sizeof(uint32), "File_Blocks_Index::~File_Blocks_Index::6"); } catch (File_Error e) {} } /** Implementation non-members: ---------------------------------------------*/ template< class TIndex > std::vector< bool > get_data_index_footprint (const File_Properties& file_prop, std::string db_dir) { File_Blocks_Index< TIndex > index(file_prop, false, false, db_dir, ""); std::vector< bool > result(index.block_count, true); for (typename std::vector< std::pair< uint32, uint32 > >::const_iterator it = index.get_void_blocks().begin(); it != index.get_void_blocks().end(); ++it) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < it->first; ++i) result[it->second + i] = false; } return result; } #endif
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, (continued)
- Message not available
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Roland Olbricht, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, mmd, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, mmd, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/30/2017
- Message not available
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Roland Olbricht, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/30/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/31/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Roland Olbricht, 07/31/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Roland Olbricht, 07/31/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Igor Brejc, 07/31/2017
- Re: [overpass] Segmentation fault, Roland Olbricht, 07/31/2017
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