Subject: Overpass API developpement
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[overpass] Different versions for the same node in the same Overpass geom request
Chronological Thread
- From: Arnold Szederjesi <>
- To: "" <>
- Cc: "Barna Kovacs" <>
- Subject: [overpass] Different versions for the same node in the same Overpass geom request
- Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2023 07:29:38 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
- Arc-authentication-results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none
- Arc-message-signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=THqpJhUSuDHjPtToHbyvIrsI9CqpKJyg6n8Ao1JHIf4=; b=EJMpI0+Tk9smHNyPJ1bDP5feAJvPXM04dabd//q1VKxaSO8mOO9z1z7F0KQfMfSDjUFmKg9eVWZKfjTdloAaW+icSZXWyLsZm3+DLlCJDTdGvYj+xTMPT5OZePitE+i8d/s6LHTFjseYm1aRHYM6hJdh71LjxL36lvTuaz5VXu+PbwJ9KhiJ24t9/HApo+vykNwjs+7WcjuVGJhjYnQ5hl+4qjivFV/z0yIg97JMjbiB4w5iHwgk/Ljt8B+KQ09ZRpbbMD1BxMAKjcF1D8ULf60c7RouKN5ddhkzlpKPRtMd+sBH+EKWIsRQAq11xsGlHnaRJVyrEA9JEcxuJdMy3w==
- Arc-seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=DJaPV6NzV/dsbKO9SI0h1cYrGRNSW79umWnyhCqKVvb1NyEZI5SkblueydSZQK+9g97PTYaCjz+KuP0oO9roksDEgWA3Wk9h9LM7sM0OmTHuVcqVdUj4cXbTNImd166f/2kS0omBjOHz2v+m2OWJJROIgPxFHFyEWHJ13CF+IvF8M6ZBOgRMzRZc/M5hrmSAPn1LpOT9N2nPIjDy0FiRNCTDFrC8e4Emag7WecCW70z/EVDNrK1a8c289r2hc8eIb1mGpuIoc07R8Juac5beZuCtPhSMWlvgIB07NjDxnHyL8nvashKRvrDbucHwkG30QElcReh6V2G3UelnsNRaZg==
- Authentication-results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none;
hello all,
Recently we have updated to the latest OSM data of Germany and couple of new problems appeared. Most of them disappeared in time by themselves (area recalculations, etc.), but there is one that seems to stick and causing some headache for us. We are doing
geom queries using Overpass like this:
- example in Overpass turbo: `relation(30353);out geom;`
- example on our server: `curl localhost:80/api/interpreter?data="relation%2830353%29%3Bout+geom%3B`
Geometries are mostly calculated as we expect, but for some reason there are some discrepancies in the data due to different versions of the same node.
Comparing the output to the online overpass turbo, we find the difference (our server on the left, public overpass on the right):

As we can see we have different lat-lon values for the same node, and as a consequence our polygon geometry is not a closed ring, and it is causing problems in multiple places (personally we do not care which values are there, but we care for them to be
consistent in a single request at least.
I have taken a look and figured out that the values are coming from different versions of this node in OSM:
So as I observe when calculating the geometry for way 393419106 we have
version #7, but for way 42715492 we have version #8.
Do you have any idea where is the discrepancy coming from ? How can we fix this problem ?
Thank you in advance.
With respect,
Arnold Szederjesi
- [overpass] Different versions for the same node in the same Overpass geom request, Arnold Szederjesi, 10/17/2023
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